50 years




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About Us




COMIBASSAL International is a totally  independent and neutral quality control organization dealing with the inspection of all sorts of industrial  and agricultural products,  with  head-quarters in Egypt and world wide connections.

  Our Mission                          

COMIBASSAL  has  started  its  activities  in  1958  and from  its  acquired  experience  during this period has realized  the importance of quality control inspections in the world.

COMIBASSAL is a Cooperative Non-Governmental Institution acting as a neutral body between buyers and sellers.

  Company Profile                          

COMIBASSAL is member in many International Standard Organization (ASM, ASNTL, ASTM, AWS, AFOA, FOSFA, GAFTA, BSI, DIN, AFNOR, IQA, AOAC, PRI) and is an ISO Certified Organization.

Through a highly trained workforce consisting of over 900 full-time staff operating from 14 offices and one central laboratory in Egypt, and many business partners all over the world, COMIBASSAL services the needs of clients in Egypt,  the Near East Region, Europe, the Far East Region, North America and South America.

COMIBASSAL provides verification, testing and certification services to both the Public and Private Sectors.

Send mail to gcd@comibassal.com with questions or comments about this web site.
Copyright © 2007
Last modified:
March 2008